About Us
The Run of Hope Seattle was started in 2009 by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund (PBTRF) Guild and the Four Seasons Hotel Seattle. In its 14-year history, this partnership has helped raise more than $9 million for brain tumor research at Seattle Children’s and created a special environment for our community to gather in support of all patients and families. In early 2023, the leaders of the PBTRF Guild announced that 2022 would be their final Run of Hope. The Run for Children’s Guild is honored to continue the legacy of raising funds for cancer research at Seattle Children’s. Seattle Children’s is grateful to the leaders and members of the PBTRF Guild for creating the Run of Hope and the breakthrough research they have made possible at Seattle Children’s.
On September 21, 2025, the Run for Children’s Guild and Four Seasons Seattle will team up to present the 17th annual Run of Hope benefiting Seattle Children’s. This year’s event will support all types of pediatric cancer research, and supporters and teams may direct their gifts to a number of cancer research funds, including brain tumor research. The mission of the Run of Hope is to raise funding and awareness to advance pediatric cancer research.
Please help us change the odds for children facing a cancer diagnosis:
· Cancer continues to be the #1 cause of disease-related death for children.*
· Approximately 1 in every 285 children in the USA will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday.*
· Research for children with cancer, especially for those with sarcomas and brain cancer, lags nearly two decades behind their adult counterparts.*
· The Coalition Against Childhood Cancer reports that the federal government allocates just 4% to 8.8% of its cancer budget to pediatric cancer research.
· Seattle Children’s cancer and blood disorders care and research program is recognized as one of the best in the world.
· Seattle Children’s researchers study the developmental origins of pediatric cancers to understand how they start, progress and recur, and to create better treatments and new cures.
· Seattle Children’s is helping set the worldwide agenda for pediatric cancer care and research in the areas of leukemia, solid tumors, brain tumors and survivorship.
To learn more about how Seattle Children’s is finding cures and advancing treatment for children diagnosed with cancer, click here.